The Song of the Stork and the Dromedary

This masterful novel spans two centuries in a mosaic of styles and genres. Its central figure is the uncompromising Eliza May, modeled after Emily Brontë.

Anjet Daanje
Original title
Het lied van ooievaar en dromedaris

In early 19th-century Yorkshire, she and her sisters Millicent and Helen lead a reclusive existence marred by poverty and disease. They find fulfilment in their love of reading and writing books. When, after dozens of rejections, the novels by Millicent and Eliza May are finally published (using male pseudonyms), Millicent’s novel becomes a huge success, whereas Eliza May’s novel is labeled ‘sick’ and ‘immoral’. In eleven chapters, each of which could just as well be a standalone novella, Eliza May’s life story is told by people who knew her personally, biographers centuries later, a mysterious notebook and characters whose lives become serendipitously intertwined with Eliza’s.

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Anjet Daanje
Anjet Daanje (b. 1965) writes novels, short stories and screenplays. Her breakthrough novel 'De herinnerde soldaat' (The Remembered Soldier) won the 2020 F. Bordewijk Prize and the Best Book of Groningen Prize and was longlisted for the 2020 Libris Literature Prize.
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