Translation Grants for Foreign Publishers

As a foreign publisher you can apply for financial support for the publication in translation of a work of high literary quality originally written in the Dutch or Frisian language, such as fiction, graphic novels, poetry, children's literature and classic works. Translation grants may also be made available to literary magazines and for digital-only publications.

Who can apply
For what
Translation costs / production costs
Six subsidy meetings are planned in 2025. The deadlines for sending the application are February 7, March 27, May 16, June 27, September 12, November 14.
Grant amount
Depends on the project, and capped at €10,000
Grant maximum

For what?

Publishers can apply for a grant to fund translation for all genres and for production costs for high-quality illustrated children's and youth literature, graphic novels, and poetry.

How much?

The amount awarded depends on a number of factors. The requested sum must be consistent with the translator’s fee as established in the translation contract. In most cases the grant covers 70% of the requested amount, with the understanding that the remaining 30% will be paid to the translator by the publisher. In the case of books we regard as Dutch classics, the grant covers up to 100% of the translator’s fee. The grant amount is capped at €10,000. See ‘Subsidy Regulations’ under downloads for more information.


  • The Dutch Foundation for Literature places particular emphasis on the quality of translations. Upon request, the Foundation can provide a List of Approved translators. If the Foundation is not acquainted with the selected translator, a sample translation may be requested to assess the quality of the work. Only translations of a high standard can be funded.

  • The original Dutch-language work by the Dutch author or illustrator must have been published by a recognised Dutch or Flemish publishing house.

  • The translation must be published by a foreign publishing house that can ensure good distribution and promotion of the book in its own country.

  • There must be a contractual agreement between the Dutch rights holder and the foreign publisher, granting translation rights to the latter, unless the * work is in the public domain.

  • There must be a contractual agreement between the foreign publisher and the translator of the work.

  • The work must be published within two years from the date of the letter of confirmation.

  • An acknowledgment must be printed in the translated publication, stating that the publication has been made possible with financial support from the Dutch Foundation for Literature. You can find examples of this in different languages as well as  the logo of the Dutch Foundation for Literature under downloads.

Frequently Asked Questions


In the work an acknowledgement has to be printed that publication has been made possible with the financial support from the Dutch Foundation for Literature.


This book was published with the support of the Dutch Foundation for Literature.


Ouvrage publié avec le concours de la Fondation néerlandaise des lettres.


Die Übersetzung dieses Buches wurde von der niederländischen Stiftung für Literatur gefördert.


Este libro fue publicado con el apoyo de la Fundación neerlandesa de letras.


Questo libro è stato pubblicato con il sostegno della Fondazione nederlandese per la letteratura.

Jane Dinmohamed