Illustrated Children’s Books
The Dutch Foundation for Literature aims to support the publication of exceptional children’s books originally published by a Dutch or Frisian publishing house and featuring illustrations by Dutch artists. Foreign publishers can apply for financial assistance to offset a portion of the production costs, for high-quality, full-colour, illustrated children’s books.

Who can apply?
Non-Dutch publishers
For what?
Publication of high-quality, full-colour children’s books, originally published by a Dutch or Frisian publishing house and illustrated by Dutch artists.
The maximum sum that can be awarded is €2,800 for the production costs. If the translator has been approved by the foundation, an additional translation grant of a maximum of 70% of the cost of translation can be granted.
The book’s literary quality and illustrations must be of a high standard.
The pictorial style, content, and use of language must all be aimed at the same age group.
There must be a coherent balance between the text, the illustrations, and the design of the book as a whole.
The translated edition must be distributed nationwide through recognised general book-trade channels.
The illustrations are made by a Dutch illustrator. A publisher cannot receive a grant for more than four books by the same author or the same illustrator.
In addition, the third book by the same author or illustrator will receive reduced funding.

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