Visitors' Programme

20 February 2024

The Foundation for Dutch Literature annually invites a number of ‘guest editors’ to come to Amsterdam, in order to meet with publishers, authors and translators, and to get acquainted with Dutch literary life in general. Over the last few years some fifty foreign editors and publishers have been our guests for a visit to Amsterdam of three or four days.

The Dutch Foundation for Literature arranges appointments for its visitors with Dutch publishers in and outside Amsterdam, and organises meetings with authors and translators into the language involved. The programme also includes a reception at the Foundation for Literature and three or four dinners or lunches for larger parties. In devising a programme for a visitor, tailoring is the motto: no two programmes are the same, and very careful consideration is taken of the profile, wishes and possibilities of the visiting publisher. Many subsequently return on their own initiative to the Netherlands; all participants find that their visit to Amsterdam makes it easier for them to find a way into the world of Dutch publishing. A great number of Dutch titles find an international market as a result of a visit from a foreign publisher. Every year, efforts are made to invite a director of an international literary festival.


Every year, a number of editors from leading foreign publishing firms are invited to pay a visit to Amsterdam within the framework of the Amsterdam Fellowship for International Publishers (AFIP)* so they can familiarise themselves with Dutch literature and the Dutch book trade. The fellowship seeks to present the Dutch book trade as a dynamic, internationally oriented industry, to consolidate relations, to exchange information and to promote books in the Dutch language. We also organize a fellowship every two years for editors of non-fiction and of children’s books.

The Amsterdam Fellowship for International Publishers is organised by the Dutch Foundation for Literature. It is able to function thanks to funding from the Dutch Foundation for Literature and various publishers.

There is no application possibility, the fellows receive a personal invitation. If you are interested in participating, please send an e-mail in which you make that clear.

* Please note that in 2025 and 2026 there will not be an Amsterdam Fellowship for International Publishers.

Barbara den Ouden