Joke J. Hermsen
The writer Joke J. Hermsen (b. 1961) is one of the most prominent Dutch philosophers of her generation. She has a particular interest in time, memory and art, and has written extensively about the philosophy of Hannah Arendt, Ernst Bloch and Lou Andreas Salomé.

Joke J. Hermsen (b. 1961) published several bestselling non-fiction books and novels. Her work includes titles such as Time On Our Side (2009, Jan Hanlo Essay Prize), So It’s Love (2008, Halewijn Prize), Kairos (2014), A Good and Dignified Life (2019) and Melancholia in Uncertain Times. Translations have appeared in several languages.
Translated Titles: A good and dignified life. Yale University Press (UK/ US), Frydenlund (Denmark), Wagenbach (Germany), Existenz (Norway), Siruela (Spain), Elles (Egypt). Melancholia in Uncertain Times. Harper- Collins (Germany), Siruela (Spain), Quetzal (Portugal) and Queriniana (Italy) Kairos. HarperCollins (Germany) and Kontrateg (Servia-Kroatia)
More Joke J. Hermsen

Melancholy in Times of Turmoil
Philosopher J.J. Hermsen traces how we have dealt with melancholy down the ages, referring to philosophy, literature and art. Her lively, erudite cultural and historical essay takes us from classical antiquity to the Middle Ages, through its reassessments in art and thinking, to the present day.

Under a Different Sky
From a young age, philosopher and writer Joke H. Hermsen has wrestled with the longing to be elsewhere – a kind of ‘farsickness’, from the German 'fernweh', which has gone paired with never quite feeling at home. When, during the pandemic, the feeling rises to a crescendo in her own house, she packs her bags. But everywhere she goes – from France to the Netherlands to Germany – memories wash over her.