Oek de Jong

Oek de Jong (1952) broke through in 1979 with his debut novel 'Opwaaiende zomerjurken' (Billowing Summer Dresses). Over fifteen months, the novel was reprinted nineteen times and sold 95,000 copies.

Photo: Annaleen Louwes

He confirmed his status as one of the Netherlands’ top authors with the philosophical and equally successful novel Cirkel in het gras (Circle in the Grass, 1985) and Hokwerda’s kind (Hokwerda’s Child, 2002), a tragic portrait of a woman. Pier and Ocean (2013) was shortlisted for the Libris Literature Prize and won both the Gouden Boekenuil (‘Golden Book Owl’) and the F. Bordewijk Prize. Zwarte schuur was awarded with the Boekenbon Literatuurprijs 2020.

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